Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cyberspace and Death

Today I made one foolish click of the mouse and somehow deleted all my previous posts. (Yeah I'm still not sure how it happened.) I called my dad over to see if he could make any sense of what I had done, but he couldn't. Needless to say I was pretty upset. I'd posted quite alot over the last two months and it felt like I had basically taken my journal and thrown it into the fire. So as I was moping (and yes brushing away a few tears) my wise Dad said, "Isn't there something you could learn from this?"
"Think before I act." Popped out before I really thought about it. (It's the lesson I've been working on since birth).

Papa smiled. "Well, that's good. Anything else?" he coaxed gently.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Think about it. You spent alot of time writing down your thoughts, day after day. Pasting pictures and posting entries. And then with just a click, it was all gone."

"I know!" I wailed, wanting only to cry more.

"Don't you see?" My ever patient Papa explained. "Isn't that just like our lives? We think we're in control, that we know what we're doing. We spend alot of time on certain things that we think are important and then, suddenly, it all ends. We die."

I was quiet as this truth sank in. Over the last two months we've gone to two funerals and heard of lots of others. Walking by the caskets has always spooked me when I was little. But this time I couldn't help but feel awed. The person lying there was no more. Gone from this life forever. During their brief time on earth they had had choices to make and they had had time to change them. But now, that was all over and they were going to see the consequences and rewards of those choices.

Life is short. Very short. That's why it is so precious. Every minute is a jewel to be cherished and not thrown carelessly away. We are living in the last days. Our world has slowly been dying ever since Adam and Eve made that one wrong choice to disobey God. Every second brings us closer to that day that has been foretold for thousands of years, when Jesus will return. We don't have much time left. The board is set, the pieces are moving. The devil grows bolder with each passing day. The remnant is shrinking, the strongholds are weakening. America is not what she used to be.

We are in another garden. Unaware of the ever ticking clock and its quickly passing minutes. Again we are faced with a choice. Only one. It must be God's way, or our way. He can not make it any clearer. Hebrews 9:27 says, "For it is appointed for man to die once, and after this to face judgment." Adam and Eve had a choice and so have all the others who have been born, lived and died. What will your choice be? Choose quickly, choose carefully. You don't have much time left.

1 comment:

Lucie Manette said...

have you looked in the archives which you can get to by clicking on "edit post"? Who knows, they might still be there. If not, I'm so sorry!