In the song "Angels We Have Heard On High" we sing the line, "gloria in excelsis Deo", but does anyone really know what that means? It's actually Latin (big surprise:) and means Glory to God in the Highest. Which, in case anyone doesn't know, is exactly what the angels said to the shepherds. So if anyone is thinking about learning how to tell the Nativity story in Latin, you alread know one key phrase! Ha ha!
So now I'm gonna talk about something that might sound a little bit random, but just bare with me. Anyone else HATE pimples? Yeah I said the "p" word. Most teenage girls have to put up with them at one time or another, (unless their plastic movie stars made from a computer). Well a few days ago when I was having one of those bad days (you know, when your face looks like an ariel view of the himalayas :P) anyways, I was so distraught about my red spotted forehead that I actually just sat down and cried. I couldn't help it. I felt so ugly, but then I realized something. You know we hear alot as girls that Jesus is the only one who can make us truly beautiful. We hear how worldly beauty is fleeting but that a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. We might believe it, but how many of us really truly live that out? So sitting there with the tears falling down my spotted face, I realized that this was one of those times when I could live out that my beauty was not of this earth, but from the one who made it. Something to think about when your having a bad hair day, or face day, or body day :). Once you do live that out, your life will forever be changed.
Okay, I admit it, when I wrote the title for this post I wasn't sure what to put, so since I was planning on talking about 1. Awana 2. The meaning of In Excelsis Deo and 3. My enlightenment on pimples, I realized I had most of that little saying. I've talked about Awana before (old) Hopefully the definition was something you didn't know before (new), and then the pimples (you know, they're usually red?) So for something blue, I thought I'd take the random way and show a picture of a hole I made in my blue jeans. Ha ha!
Forever and Always,
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