yes i'm tired. no this is not going to be long. because i'm tired. very, very tired. dlol (dry laugh out loud)
so the daycamp thing is going well, i've got 6 kids assigned to me (all mixed ages). i've pretty much got all their names down by now. this was our first week, and for a first week i thought it went extremely well. all of us leaders look and feel like the walking dead of course now, but all in all everything went pretty good.
one VERY cool thing that we did was go swimming wednesday. now, swimming at a park that has some awesome waterslides, a huge swimming pool and a totally siked out kiddie water park sounds reasonably cool...right? well maybe it would have been...if the sun had ever come out, or if it had stopped raining, or if it had been at least 70 degrees instead of 60! lol! i'm not complaining. actually we had ALOT of fun. when we go swimming our kids get divided by age groups and we're assigned 2-3 kids all within that age group so it's easier on us leaders then having to watch a few kids in the kiddy park while the rest swim in the deep side and all that. i had 2 six year old boys who were the sweetest things EVER! they kept me going, needless to say, but i needed that.
so yes i did get in the water, and yes i did STAY in the water until we had to leave. wahoo! i feel like i accomplished something great here lol! i have to say that when i found out i had 2 six year olds, i was slightly disappointed. i wanted an older group of kids, and the fact that most of the other leaders were assigned to the older kids, made me feel a little like i was being looked down on because i was the youngest leader there. i was feelin kinda down about that, but before we left i made the decision to be content with what i was given and i asked God to use me and to teach me something new. well here's what i learned: God never makes mistakes! i had more fun with those 2 little boys who couldn't go past the kiddie pool, then i could have ever had with any other kids. we played shark (i was the shark) we played tag (i was it) we raced through the tunnels (i got stuck...no joke! i actually got stuck! oh yeah thanks laugh it up people!) and i even got to share with them the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho! it was great! it really is amazing how God can take those things that we just can't see any use in and make them into what our wildest imaginations could never dream of. he really is a good, GOOD GOD! and tired as i am, i just HAD to share that with you! lots of love!
Forever and Always,
FUN! How hot is it there?
Stuck! Ha, that's awesome!
Lucie: yeah it was (in a crazy sort of way which really is the best) how hot is it? depends on which day you asked that because yesterday it was hot the day before that it was not, today it's boiling, but tomorrow for all i know it could snow! oh well, that's chicago for ya!
Kelly: thanks lol!
Yeah. Well here, we know that what it will be from day to day...100 something. YUCK! (Come November, PLEASE!)
100 something? wowsers! yeah i can understand your passion for november lol! do u own a pool? pools are sooooooo great for that kinda weather :)
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