First of all there was Christmas...yeah need I say more? lol! I led our church's 3rd children's musical, which also happened to be their First Christmas musical so that was REALLY exciting. For those of you who are wondering what I'm talking about, let me explain. I started leading children's musicals at my church when I was fifteen years old. There's a lot to the story of how that actually happened, but the short version is once I surrendered my life completely to God he took me on the adventure of my life. (And before you protest let me just say that trying to lead 120 children in singing, dancing and acting for 2 hours of practice every Tuesday for a 30 minute show is DEFINITELY an adventure!) I'm telling you, nothing in my life drives me to my knees in prayer like those musicals! They are POWERFUL! With our last one, my mom and I were praying for salvations to come out of this play and wouldn't you know it? One of our little boys led 3 of his friends to the Lord after the play. Hallelujah! Nine years old and he already has 3 to his name! So yeah as I was saying, the play went great! haha!
Also, I have been working on a book for four years, and finally typed the last words to the final chapter on Sunday, December 20th at 2 in the morning. I can't say how happy I am to be finished with it! Now I just might go and change the "occupation" slot in my profile to "Author" lol! Just have to finish the editing and then it's going off to be published! And if that wasn't enough, I've also finished my science, and my geometry class will be completed by the end of next week if not this one! School is coming to a close, something that's slightly bittersweet. Another "constant" being taken away to make room for the new season in my life.
I'll be around to post more, but now I've gotta scoot. Blessings!
Forever and Always,
sounds like your busy girlie! ;) that's great! looks like your sure having an adventure :D lol
Dear Sara,
What can I say? EXCELLENT, GREAT, TERRIFIC,FANTASTIC, SUPER, MAGNIFICO Y BIEN HECHO {WELL DONE IN SPANISH:)} All the work you put in week after week, your patience with the children and your encouragement was evident on the night of the performance.
I wanted to tell you,that the night before when you ask the children to sing as a group the song "How Great is Our God", that I felt like it was an act of faith. That you & the children were verbally affirming,"this is yours God and You are Great and Powerful. We offer ourselves to You and trust in You."
Continue to trust God for all the wonderful things He has for your future . . . For Him, Hermana Lydia K. <><
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