Saturday, April 24, 2010

From A Friend

Shatter my heart among the stars
I've cried so many tears what does it matter if a few more fall?
Does it work to stand in the gap where I stood?
Hold me close in your arms, I need to know you are good
Why did you give me a heart if it can be broken like this?
Can this be your will? Could this be what you wished?
He's hurting so much, the pain goes so deep
He's broken and dying, will you just let him bleed?
This world is so dark, will your light be enough?
Can roses really grow out of ashes so tough?
I have to trust you, there is no other rope
Don't let me're my only hope
Take control, work your hand, however that may be
I'll still cling to you....and I pray so will He

1 comment:

HIS daughter said...

Praying for you and him girly. I love you so so mucho muchas :) <3