Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God is good...........ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no I mean seriously)

I wish I could have written as soon as it happened, but as it turns out this post is several days late. Wouldn't you know it? Only about a day after I wrote that post someone (God richly, RICHLY bless them!) volunteered to make the skirts for us! And make up for any material we might need! Now u tell me if that isn't my Jesus at work! So anyways, today (Wednesday) we'll be practicing for the first time with the arros and the streamers. I'll video tape and take pictures as much as possible but unfortunately my flash isn't working (I swear I didn't drop it or hit it or throw it at someone...it just poof! went out) so we'll see how great the pics turn out. lots of love!

-Forever and Always,

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