Our home has now become an apartment of sorts. A single mother and her daughter have come to live with us for the summer and possibly for the rest of the year. Mom's name is Lina, Daughters name is Delilah. Lina is in her 20's and Delilah is 12 yrs old. There's talk that if they stay during the school year she might be homeschooled by my mom. It's a pretty big change since she's been going to a public school her whole life. But then again, everything's been a pretty big change. My parent's room (for those of you who know our house) has been moved to the basement (which has been known to flood so keep them in prayer) where our entertainment center used to be. There's been moving and selling and giving away on both ends and needless to say we're all pooped! :) But God is good! It's finally over and we can finally breath again.
Twins graduation is at the beginning of May and since we don't have money to buy nice dresses, and we couldn't find anything at the thrift store my mom has consented to make them. Like I said though...the graduation is at the beginning of May so Mom's been sewing until 2:00 a.m. trying to get these dresses finished. Again though...we've seen God's faithfulness. He provided us with the material at just the right price and gave my mom who has only taken 1 sewing class in her entire life the direction to cut and sew Anna's dress. So now all that's left to do is Andi's.
It's been raining quite a bit here and I can't help but think that whoever said "When it rains it pours," really knew his drops! Of course here it would be more like "When it rains it STORMS!" (but maybe that's a bit exaggerated :) Then I started thinking about that song by Casting Crowns "Praise You In The Storm" It's one of my favorites and I'm sure those of you who've heard it would agree. The song talks about how it's in hard times when the storms come that our worship and surrender REALLY count. Because whether we are on solid ground or in a fishing boat on a rough sea. He's always there with us...no matter what. Even when it's too dark to see and too cold to feel, He's right beside us, sometimes carrying us when we're to weak to continue.
There's always going to be someone out there who's got it worse then me. Even though we are now all squished and stretched into a tiny, leaky little house that has a cooky air conditioner and heater that don't always work right and in a basement that has been known to flood, just the fact that we have roof over our heads makes us more privilaged then half of the world! My mom's prayer for us is that while we're together for this time, rubbing shoulders and elbows with eachother, we would be as iron sharpens iron, like the Bible says about good friends. And that in the end we would only come out sharper and more balanced then before. But in order for that to happen we're all going to have to have some rough edges knocked off.
(Delilah with the twins on either side)
I'm so glad you're taking care of Lina and Delilah!! You guys are doing just as the Bible says to take care of the "orphans and widows"(though Delilah is not an orphan or her mom a widow but you get the point!), the ones who need help!
I'll keep you and your family in prayer as I'm sure it's not that easy being the oldest and adjusting to changes like that!
ps- interesting picture...And that one of you and one of your sisters on the bottom of your blog is so beautiful(and cute!)!
thnx Janai! u'r such an encouragement! oh and thnx for the comment on the pics too :)
Wow. It sounds like you're busy! We all know about that till 2:00 am sewing routine...
I will keep them in prayer...that it doesn't rain. Maybe that rain will come down here... :)
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