Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Post With No Title But This One Because Sarah Was Too Lazy To Think Up Something Better :P

lol! well it's truth! i'm typing this as fast as i can right now so please excuse any spelling errors, my bad! so anyways sorry it's been (again) a long time since i've posted. i now have a job! (sorry for the random switch but like i said i'm in a hurry ok?) yay! i'll be working with kids from my church (wow big surprise there) with a day camp they started. it's for the entire month of july and the last week we get to go to an ACTUAL camp (ya know with cabins and campfires and mosquitos and trees and stuff) with them! i can't wait! i love being a children's leader and now getting to be a camp leader is just going to rock my summer! i'm really praying that God would bring me 3 girls who i can really pour into and have a part in forming their hearts for him. that would be the pinpoint, the best, the bright red, juicy cherry that sits on a banana split just waiting to be eaten on a humid june day (yes i'm hot and hungry...how'd u guess? lol!).

on a downer side of life (no i'm not sure if downer is a word and i don't really care. save the grammer corrections for school) our pastor's mother in law passed away last weekend. she was a very sweet old woman. only the week before i had helped her down the hallways (she has dimensia and sometimes would get lost) and then the next thing you know...she's gone. but what was so wonderful, was that everyone knew, we KNEW that she was with her Lord. what comfort and peace! in a way, it was almost beautiful to hear that she had gone. huh! now that i see it on the screen, it doesn't seem like such a downer after all!

i'll now end this post abruptly and randomly (as is my usual style) and post this funny video of my brother and neighbor being little dorks, lol! this was taken with my old camera so the picture quality stinks but i hope u enjoy it anyway. blessings to ya'll!

Forever and Always,


Janai Fuentes said...

That video's so funny!! And not a bad post title either! ;)

Sarah said...

lol! thanks Janai!

Janai Fuentes said...

Hey Sarah! I'm so sorry I didn't get to this sooner but the way you post videos from YouTube at least is usually on the side of the webpage there's two "codes" one of them says "Embed". Copy everything that's within that box and paste it in to where you would normally do a post in (you won't see the video in there unless you preview it or post it). Got it? Let me know if I made any sense!

How was your weekend? And how are you holding up to having to share your house? I know your going through a lot but keep it up!! You're such an example to all who watch you!

Sarah said...

thanks janai! u'r such an encouragement as always! things are going good with us, but don't stop praying for us! we can always use more prayer! lol

Anonymous said...

Sarah, Thumbs up on this video of Josh and your neighbor!!! I thought it showed creative and a clean sense of humor, not seen enough of these days.
Good job Josh and Friend!

Blessings to you and your family, Mrs. L.Kitchen