No way! I can't believe I haven't posted for almost a month already! You'd think that without the camp things would have slowed down, but not for our family! We're busy as ever getting ready for Awana and me preparing for a Children's Christmas Musical. Yeah when it comes to planning anything involving kids you NEED as much time as you can get! So I'm preparing for Christmas in August :) But enough about that for now, I promised ya'll those Away Camp Pictures and here they are :)
Before we left, Christa the Camp Director talks to a mom
My luggage, just three small bags and a sleeping bag :)
The wolf team! Front to back: Natalia, Annette, Zuri, Miguel, Angel, Juan and my Jr. Leader Elizabeth (Eli)
An awesome game we played where if someone made this face at you, you had to drop down and do a push up, but if you had your hands in that position (not to your face, but just the thumb and forefinger touching) you were safe. We played it the entire time at camp!
Ready to go!
Bethany and Natali (check out Bethany's blog Here)
On the bus...Natalia, Me and Zuri
I love this picture!!
Zuri and Natalia
Me and Zuri
Natalia trying to pose as a fashion model with the wind in her hair! (my 3rd seed by the way)
And in honor of arriving at camp....we all made silly faces :P
Jenny (camper), Emily (leader) and Me (lol :)
Abby! (She wasn't one of my campers, but I love her just the same)
Our living room
Our "Cabin" :P (see to me, air conditioning, carpeting and this much space just isn't camping, lol!)
My bunk
Lunch time at the cafeteria...
They fed us well ;)
Outdoor game time...
One of the kids got dehydrated and fainted on the hay ride. It was scary but he turned out to be alright.
The Wolves and Rattlesnakes on the hay ride (last full day at camp) :)
Zuri, Natalia and Me on the Hay Ride (night that Natalia became a Christian! didn't know it at the time this picture was taken)
This is...well it's the back of my Jr. Leader's head, lol! I was trying to get a shot at the sunset but it didn't turn out lol!
1 comment:
Looks like you had fun! Nice pix. I know many of those kids are blessed to have you as their friend!
Saw the dance you did at New Life through FB. . . it was so beautiful!
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