This is it! (Or well, to be completely honest and truthful, which is something I fervently believe in, tomorrow will be it) Senior year of highschool! Oh YEAH! 11 years of schooling and only one more year to go! And then....then what? What comes after highschool? After I turn this chapter in my life, what next? Just like anyone else, my life has had it's rough points, high points, sad points, and Awesome God points, but now...now things are going to be different!
It's like in baseball, when a team is playing in the playoffs, the last game before going to the world series. Sure it's the same game, but a whole other ball park! Now there's more at stake! They've gone longer, worked harder, sweat more, and their dream is right before their eyes. No holding back anymore! They've got to leave it all out on the field! Every last drop of sweat, every last aching muscle has to count!
You know, highschool isn't the only think that's like the previous illustration. You're entire life should be like that. Striving to go beyond, pushing for something better then your best, determined that you will not simply endure life, but that you will live it with purpose, leaving a long legacy in your wake.
Especially this year when things seem so dreary, with all the financial crisis' happening everywhere, with all the hurt; I feel that God wants his people to wake up and to make a difference! This may very well be our country's last century as a free nation. Our rights are slowly being taken away. Should we not, then, use this time to the fullest, so that when the time comes , and a time WILL come, when we can do no more we can say with full hearts that we left EVERYTHING out on the field? When our time to go Home has come, will we go with tears for all that was left undone? Or will we know that we did what we were meant to do?
I think to some extent, we'll all have a few tears to shed over things left undone. That's because we're sinful, down to the core, and sometimes, knowing how dirty we stand in view of a holy God is better then foolishly believing we can gain access to him through our works alone. Because he can take all our mistakes, all our wrong turns and turn them into something beautiful. And that's why I will strive to do hard things this year. To stretch myself and go the distance. To His glory and His alone! Anyone with me? :)
Forever and Always,
And yes, in case anyone is wondering I have been reading the book Do Hard Things ;)
hi! i've been following your blog for a long time now and have learned alot through it! one of my favorite things about it is your playlists!! saw you added "love story" can you PLEASE add "you belong with me" by taylor swift? those are my two favorite songs from her.
from a friend =)
Hey ummm...friend? :) I actually didn't mean to add love story to my playlist. I think I must have done it a few days ago when a friend of mine was showing me some songs she liked. It's a cute song, love the music, so it'll probably stay up. As for the You Belong With Me, while it's got a great beat, I don't care so much for the lyrics, so I'm not going to be adding it to my playlist. (Plus I know someone who sings it just about everyday and it's getting really annoying!! :D lol!) Thanks for the comment though! and if you want to hear something REALLY good go to youtube and type in Love Story Meets Vive La Vida I like it better then Taylor Swift's version!
oh and please give your first name next time so I'll know who I'm typin too :)
Great post, Sarah!
Do Hard Things is such a great book isn't it? I just love it!
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